Lakeview Hotel was built on Toluca Lake, the Lake the town of Silent hill was built around.
The hotel was built in the early years of the community however it was burned down at one point, the Hotel has since been restored to it's former appearance.
It's the off seas so there aren't a lot of people staying there, one of the people who is staying there is Walter Karin.
There are two things waiting for Walter in the box for the room he has rented, a letter with just Walter written on it and a small package.
-- Edited by Alter on Wednesday 17th of June 2009 02:30:27 PM
Walter opened the door to his room and stepped inside taking off his jacket and tossing it onto the bed with his cane blinking as his cane bounced off of something on the bed. Walking over for a closer look he frowned eyeballing the package and envelope, "God damn Whorehopper.. I told him not to bother me on this trip.. Does he really want this damn book done..." he picks them up looking them over, opening and looking at each in turn...
(Tag: Clara)
-- Edited by Walter Karin on Wednesday 17th of June 2009 04:42:08 PM
A Man who turns himself into a beast, frees himself from the pain of being a man.
Inside the envelope is a hand written letter, an oddity in this day and age. The letter reads as follows.
Dear Walter I was surprised to hear you where coming back to Silent Hill. We haven't seen one another since we where children. I have been keeping up with your work. I hope to get a chance to interview you while you are here, if I write and article then we can charge lunch to the news paper. I hope you don't mind when I heard you where coming into town I wrote this letter and dropped it at the Hotel my number is (811) 397-2753.
Walter blinks reading over the letter looking it over then scratching his head.. "Huh..." He shrugs setting it aside, "Free Lunch is always good.." He begins to open up the package trying to remember this Morris.. "Heh.. Maybe if i bring a couple signed books for him and his boss can go some place fancy.." he chuckles.
A Man who turns himself into a beast, frees himself from the pain of being a man.
Morris was another kid at the orphanage he had been about a year older then Walter, sounds like he was adopted and still lives in Silent Hill. You don't remember too much about him but you where only 7 at the time.
The package itself doesn't seem to have the same writing as the note. it's maybe a little bigger then a large box of matches.
Walter blinks at the little package rattling it lightly before unwrapping it and opening it up peeking inside as he makes his way to the Phone to call Morris as he checks inside the small box..
A Man who turns himself into a beast, frees himself from the pain of being a man.
Inside the wrapping is an item Walter hasn't seen in ages a toy radio, one of those two way units, a bunch of them one Christmas had been donated to the orphanage and all the kids got one.
Walter's was red. This one is red as well.
With closer examination he can see that his name is written with black pertinent marker on the side. It was put there so that all the kid's radio's would be kept straight, it was the last Christmas before the murders.
During the time after the kids ran around radioing one another, Walter doesn't know when he lost his radio, it was so long ago...
Walter blinks and stares long and hard at the radio.. Pulling it out of the box He cant help but feel nostalgic, amazement.. And a little freaked out.. He looks over the radio slowly before clicking it on to see if it still works, picking up the phone and starting to dial the front desk to ask them if anybody else had been in here or who had dropped off the radio..
-- Edited by Walter Karin on Wednesday 17th of June 2009 05:30:33 PM
A Man who turns himself into a beast, frees himself from the pain of being a man.
"Not sure it was left here I saw it after Mr. Strub dropped off the letter." the man at the front desk says and looks thoughtful, "I can ask the other clerks if you like and try to see who might have seen who dropped off the package."
Walter looksa bout the room a moment to see if anything else is diffrent.. "If its not a problem. Probably nothing But If you dont mind. Thank you." He hangs up setting the phone down and looks at the radio a moment, then smirks slipping it into his coat pocket and picks up the phone again Dialing Morris.
A Man who turns himself into a beast, frees himself from the pain of being a man.
"Hello I'm away from my cellphone at the moment, but if you leave a message I will get back to you as soon as physically possible. Unless this is my ex-wife, then I'll get back to you, ya know as soon as physically possible."
Walter chuckles listening to the message, "Hey. Morris. Walter here. Got your letter.. And my old Radio.. You been squirreling it away for all this time or something? Your loss. Some guy E-bayed my bike for 3 grand.. Anyways, Food sounds good, and a write up could be cool to, got any place in mind? I havent been here in.. well.. long damn time. schedule is pretty much open so when your good give me a call with some time to get ready. Take it easy." He hangs up and flops down on the bed looking about the room with a sigh.
A Man who turns himself into a beast, frees himself from the pain of being a man.