The Castle of Adventure from the Adventure Series, Published in 1946.
The story is about four British Children who solve mysteries together, This book involves a lot of sneaking around at night and moving around an old Castle in the British Country Side.
Steven King: Eyes of the Dragon Fantasy/suspense book by King, one of his best IMO, Follows the paths of two princes as they tru to survive the trechary of the kings advisor Flagg. Ties in to some of his other series as well (at least Flagg does, he is a recuring villian in alot of Kings books) would give more detail, but long time since i've read it.
A Man who turns himself into a beast, frees himself from the pain of being a man., I feel pathetic offering up the poem "Custard the Dragon" by Ogden Nash. Other favorites would be the depressing but lovely Little Mermaid by Andersen (not Disney), and if we're going to stick with fairy tales for a second, "Beauty" (a beauty and the beast retelling) by Robin McKinley would've been one she'd have gotten into when she was able to handle the reading level.
wow, uh as a child? Sawyer spent a lot of time uh healing so everytime he'd get a broken bone he'd read alittle more into The Wizard of Oz. He still has no idea of what it's real life correlation is.
How old we talking here? As a very young child, I'm thinking Goodnight Moon or I am a Bunny. . . those are the best books he ever read in his life. In Goodnight Moon, there's a bear! But not a violent Bear, but a CUTE BEAR. I ONCE ATE A CUTE BEAR! His name was Milo. And the Cute Bear had to go to sleep, and then he started saying GOODNIGHT TO THINGS! LOTS OF THINGS! NOT JUST PEOPLE! I say goodnight to the moon everynight, but it never says Goodnight Back! IT ONLY TELLS ME TO EAT BEARS! . . . I am a Bunny is about a young Bunny named NICHOLAS WHO IS A BUNNY! HE LIVES IN A HOLLOW TREE!
I LIVED IN A HOLLOW TREE ONCE! No, wait, it was a pie. But I couldn't afford the rent so I moved to a can. And Nicholas WHO IS A BUNNY. Hmm. . .I wonder if that's why they call the book, I am a Bunny. I once met a girl who said she was a Bunny, but she lied! Still, the Bunny had a NICE DAY and then went to SLEEP!
I think he still had memories of Goodnight Moon or I am a Bunny to help hm when he was scared. I'd imagine some of the older kids would read it to him when he was three.
As he got older he read the Secret Garden, a story about a young whiny girl who found a garden and made it bloom again. And she had a good friend, and HE DIED HORRIBLY. Then she had another friend WHO WAS WEAK AND SICKLY, but he didn't die cause he was rich. Which just goes to show.
This is Tobias A. Brook saying "CHANGE! YOU GOT CHANGE!" Come on help a guy out. AT LEAST GIVE ME EARPLUGS SO I CAN'T HEAR THE MOON!
Terri's favorite book as a child was "Amy's Eyes". All about an orphan girl who brings her sailor doll to life. He becomes a pirate and she ends up turning into a doll and is carried along on the adventures.
-- Edited by Teresa Swaane on Tuesday 28th of July 2009 05:30:04 PM
"It's quite alright to let a fool kiss you, so long as you never let a kiss fool you."
Jack would have read Mr. Popper's Penguins. It's a nice story about a poor house painter who receives a family of penguins and the chaos that ensues. Light, funny, and in the end shows that no matter how nicely you set things up for someone, they really belong in their own element in the end.
(Incidentally, this is also my favorite kids book. Got it as a gift when I was very young from my mother, and it was HER favorite book, too. :) )
-- Edited by Jack Simmons on Monday 17th of August 2009 06:33:23 AM