Equipment Cell Phone Chewing Gum iPod Spare ammunition Compass Field Pack --Sleeping Bag --Canteen --Compass --MRE's --First Aid Kit --Binoculars --Water Purification Tablets --Waterproof Matches LED Flashlight (including blue and red filters) Sun Glasses Camouflage Uniform
Background Jack's earliest memories were at the Orphanage. He was never very sure how he'd come to be there and he'd spent most of his life trying to convinec himself it didn't matter. Really, he suspected in the back of his mind he was just unwanted, unneeded, superfulous...
When he was adopted, he was adopted by a fantastic family, the Simmonses. They were kind, patient, loving, and he resented every second of it. He was always in trouble for something with someone. Neighbors, the police, school. He considered it hell on earth. In retrospect, he couldn't say why he behaved that way, his shrink said it wasn't uncommon for adopted children to lash out like that, that sometimes they felt so bad about themselves they took it out on others. If his original parents didn't want him, how worthless must he be and how dare these people pretend they give a **** about him.
The day he turned 18, he was at the military recruitment office. Two days after graduating high school, he was on his way to Paris Island for boot camp. Life in the Marine Corps is what he needed to turn his life around. He learned self-respect. He learned respect for others and authority. He made ammends with his family, he excelled in the Corps, and he climbed the ranks quickly, eventually becoming a Master Gunnery Sergeant. He served all over the world, both Iraq wars, and several military actions. He was a decorated soldier including multiple purple hearts and serves as an infantry unit leader, commanding over 180 troops.
When the dreams started, he applied for leave. He had to ask for some favors, but he was granted the time and was on a plane from Baghdad back to the US and to Silent Hill.