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RE: Inbetween

"I think something happened years ago and one of the results was a large group of kids got killed I'm, still a little shakey on the details. The cops where having a hard time tracking down where PVT came from exactly." Morris turns back around to Frank, "So fire station?"

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Fire Station." Frank nodded, trying to recall more of what he knew of white claudia and what it did to people. Or what his grandfather had said it had been used for.


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When the two of them head down Nathan Ave. they come upon a weird scene in the fog, there are two figures who seem to be bent over a body, the body isn't moving, yet they keep hitting it causing it to thrash. One of the creatures snarls and puts it's head up towards Frank and Morris.

The creature has black rotting skin. It has a knife and what ever it is it looks muscular, there is a piece of skin sewn over it's face which looks like the misshapen Mockery of a man's face, the piece of skin sewn over it's face has a tattoo on it, one that haunts Frank's nightmares.



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"What the..." Morris will say in a hushed voice and start backing up holding the pipe in his hands and looking at Frank and then over at the creature. "What the h-ll is that?"

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Prey." Frank said flatly. "I collect those marks." Frank started stalking towards the creature, getting a good grim grip on the axe.



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"I'm getting the feeling they think we're the prey." Morris says backing up and holding his pipe as the two creatures start to move towards Morris and Frank. Morris is waiting for them to come into his swinging range holding the Pipe like a bat. his nervousness is transparent.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"You've never seen these ones before?" he looked over at the ...person? they were attacking. and then back to the monsters. "You wait for your chance - let them focus on me."

then he's going to start circling them and waiting for an oppertunity to hit.


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The one with the knife will come at Frank slashing and making grunting screaming noises the other one will try to flank him one arm seems swollen and tumoris it's wrapped in a long chain he makes a swinging motion towards Frank.



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Morris will bring the pipe into the ones with the chain smacking it them backing off as quickly as possible to get out of the creature's way letting the beast follow him so he can distract it and keep himself from getting hurt.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Axe beats a knife, buddy." Frank purred and used the much greater reach of the axe - chopped first for the weapon holding limb - if that worked then went with the butt of the axe for its face. "Morris, bring it back around if you can if i get this one down - i'll take it down from behind when you pass."

Focused on killing, he was still aware of the victim and was trying to maneuver the thing a little further from the unmoving form.


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The one that Morris hits is knocked back a couple of feet it growls at him like some twisted predator and then charges towards the Journalist.

Frank's efforts send dark red blood showing, the blood is so dark it almost looks black, diseased ... the strike to the face sends the monster that Frank is fighting back however it still appears to be alive and slashes at Frank once more.



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"I don't know if I'm doing all that tell." Morris Reports and raises the pipe up brining it crashing down on the creature again it's a wide wild swing however the creatures haven't seemed terribly interested in dodging the attacks.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Be with you in a moment." Frank will use the haft of the axe to block as needed and go for a good fast chop to the thing's face this time. if that doesn't kill it he'll swing it around and give it his full weight behind the chop, hoping that the face chop before could stagger it a bit so he has time and can evade the knife. He wants to finish this one fast and then help Morris - then check on their previous victim.


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The first one goes down to the ground trashing and letting out grunting cries that sound like someone trying to lift something while in pain. the thing claws at itself dripping off chunks of rotting flesh.

The creature that is fighting Morris is taking longer to go down but doesn't seem to be moving faster pychotic then Morris is scared. The tatic of backing up and swinging the pipe is going alright.



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A good hard finishing blow with the axe to the one thrashing, and then he will go after the one on morris - he just wants to *not* hit Morris. If he can take the thing's head off - that will be good.



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"Woah...phoooh... who what.." Morris takes a moment after Frank has killed the creature he was fighting. "That was not fun I hope there aren't anymore of them around." Morris uses the pipe to hold himself up and catch his breath,.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Those things ... the ace and king of spades tattoo. Was the symbol of the gang that killed my wife." Frank said calmly, making sure neither of them would be getting up again... and then neatly chopping an X in the tattoos on each one. "I see something marked with an ace and a facecard of spades, my first inclination is going to be to remove that mark."

He glanced around. "Get your breath and keep watch. I need to see what they were trying to kill."



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"I'm sorry." Is all Morris can think to say he didn't even know Frank had been married he didn't even know what Frank had been up to since he left the orphanage. He found himself mostly out of words while he waited for Frank to be done.

The Person who had been beaten looks like they have killed him, his face is completely unrecognizable however he is wearing a prison jumper, blood stains the numbers too deeply for Frank to read them.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Too late for this guy." Always too late.

"We should get moving - those things made a lot of noise, and if noise attracts those kinds of things - we dont' want to be here. Which way now?"



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"This way." Morris says running down the street, toward a building marked Silent Hill "I have to admit to you since you admitted to me I'm divorced. Didn't go well she has the kids. "


The fire house is an old red brick with three doors all of the three are closed on the center one there is a strange symbol written with what looks like European and Native influences and outer circles with a large eye and an inner circle with three smaller circles.


Frank isn't sure however it looks like it might have some form of meaning like past, present and future.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Well, I just got out of prison for killing the guys who killed my wife." Frank said, pausing to look at the symbol.

"What the hell is this? This part looks like some of my grandfather's old sand paintings. And ... that looks like some kind of runic crap, but i don't read that. That one at the bottom - that looks like a zodiac symbol - libra. and there are scales again to the side..." He squinted, trying to remember the rest of them. Thats ten at the top... pi - 3.14 to the side... the circles in the sand paintings in a group of three was past, present and future - usually read deosil - clockwise, following the sun." He frowned. "But it isn't balanced. I mean - could be worse. at least the triangle is pointing up, but we almost always quarter the design, not by thirds. Any idea what that means?"



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"That's the Order Symbol, you see it over all the Hill on license plate and such mostly harmless old men and women. The town all use to follow this weird offshoot of Christianity The Order has a lot of influence but I never really took them overly seriously, Always just thought of them as the Silent Hill's Rotary Club."

As Morris speaks Frank feels like something red has seeped into his mind, like he could join himself with the past present and future, at this one spot the energy he can feel from the symbol is strange and Morris seems very far away.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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Frank backed up rapidly, hair on the back of his neck rising. "Oh, no ****ing way. Don't mess with that, Morris, I got a really creepy ass feeling about it."



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"You alright Frank?" Morris will ask going over to the other man and putting a hand on the man's shoulder, "Why don't we try to go in one of the other doors?." He looks at the other two doors, they probably have a latch that could be reached if they broke one of the windows.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Yeah... yeah, thanks." He gave Morris one of his rare smiles (somewhat shakey but a real smile) and glanced over. "You think any of those things are smart enough to open doors? Watch my back - i'll try to get this open."

He'll investegate the window - peering in first to make sure there's not a giant wolverine or something in there and that they actually have to break it to get in - never break something if you don't have to - breaking is easy - putting it back right, not so easy. If he has to, though, he will break as small a hole as he can and still unlatch the window.



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"Far as i've seen so far none of them follow me into closed doors." Morris says and frowns a little, "Almost like out of sight out of mind. I know that seem a little weird but awh heck I don't know how these creatures are suppose to work I don' know if it's weird or not."

Frank can break a small hole in the glass to open up the front door of the garage.

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"So they're not very smart." frank will get the door open and holding his axe defensively, edge in. "Watch my back, i'll see if its clear."

Frank has played dungeons and dragons so he checks the ceiling as well as all around as he carefully moves in.



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Lifting the garage door ends up being a bit of a chore, it's somewhat stuck one of you has to thold it as the other one ducks under. After you're inside off in the distance you can hear the sounds of a child calling out, "Dad, dad help me! dad! dad I'm scared."

You don't see anything above you other then a normal ceiling.

"Wait that's my kid!"  Morris says after Frank's on the other side, "I'll meet up with you somewhere else."  He picks up the pipe and runs off into the fog following the sounds of the child.

-- Edited by Morris Strub on Tuesday 30th of June 2009 05:57:52 AM

“Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.”


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"Morris! I got your back, bro!" Frank will try to follow Morris - he can't let a man fight alone. (If this is a typical 'turn the corner and they're gone' scene like in silent hill constantly, then just let me know, lol, frank will waste some time trying but i don't want to waste both our time trying.)


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I was looking for turn the corner and their gone or because the Fire station doors are a little sketchy you need to hold it open for the other guy to get under, so Frank needs to find a different way out.

Either is very Silent Hill.



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ah, didn't see the door closing frank in. so...we'll pick up from him a few moments of trying to get the door back open before running around trying to find an exit.


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Frank is currently in the Engine Bay, there are lines of clothes for the firer fighters lined up along the wall, there are three fire engines he can only clearly see two at the moment the one closest looks like it's covered in an inch of dust, the other one has a broken front window and seems a little crooked.

At the very back is a white door which is probably the exit, however there is a weird sound of static which seems to be coming from the right side of the Engine Bay. It sound very far away however with the silence of the area Frank can make it out on the tip of his hearing.



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Frank cups his ears and crouches down, holding very still, and starts scanning, both tipping and untipping his head as well as turning to face directions, so he can also detect where heightwise it is as well as mere direction.

(if he sees any fireman gear btw, or *_* riot gear, he's going to grab it. figure that a fireman's coat will protect him a lot better than what he's currently wearing. and is there a paramedic truck?)


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If there is am Ambulance it's not in the Engine Bay. It's so muffled it's hard to tell what height it's at however the sound is most certainly coming from the right on the far side of the Engine Bay.

And yes Frank can pick himself up a Fireman's Coat. there are also Helmets and boots.



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He'll check that out after the noise - gloves, a coat, boots - hell, even the helmet might be useful, they often have detachable face sheilds.

but first - he goes steadily to the right and will keep seeking until he finds, and is on the lookout for traps.


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There don't seem to be any traps however the truck in the middle is missing a wheel, The third truck seems fine except for a black ooze dripping out of the gas tank.

There are several trophies on a shelf above the door at the right side of the Engine Station.

The Door is Marked Office.



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Black... ooze. Well, why should anything be nice, right? What kind of trophies, if there's anything interesting...?

He'll try the knob first and then if its unlocked, go in.


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To get to the trophies you could probably reach them by climbing up on the fire truck nearest the office door, that one being the one with ooze.

The door in fact seems to be completely unlocked the static gets louder but there is a soft skittering sound.

Inside the office is a desk and sitting on the desk is a familiar looking Green radio the name Frank is written with Black Magic Marker in big letters. behind the desk is some papers and a medallion in glass, below it is written "Steadfast" on a gold plate, there is a photo of the station in black and white from when it was first opened.

there is a long bench across the wall opposite the desk to the right of the doorway when entering the office.



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now's when he wishes he'd taken time to switch to boots. Skittering = not good. Axe carefully balanced in his hands, he inches in, watching for movement. trophys later. right now - there is skittering to make cease.


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As Frank enters black skittering bugs rush at him, they have black dull wings with patterns on them that looks almost a screaming human face twisted in fear and horror when they flutter their wings it sounds like screaming however they do not leave the floor.



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"WHOA!! Nice bugs, down bugs!" he backs up and looks for a fire extingisher.


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There is in fact one right beside the door and it happens to behind glass, like a good fire-station which has won many awards the Silent Hill fire station follows proper fire prevention.



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"Score!" Axe to break glass! Grab! check pressure! spray bugs! eeeee! (otherwise, he'd have to try to just run his ass off and there's no where to go. lol)


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The fire extinguisher knocks back a couple of the bugs they make fluttering motions with fills the air with more sounds of screaming one of them falls on it's back and franticly pumps it's legs to try and tip itself over.

-- Edited by Alter on Tuesday 30th of June 2009 07:28:56 PM



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Frank grimaces and ... edges into the room to look around. he v_v feels bad for the bug and if they give him time he'll flip it back upright. but if they don't keep attacking he doesn't kill them. They're just bugs. Horrible bugs but bugs. He just wants in the office and to see what's in there.
Keys would be nice.


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The bugs will when they regain themselves head back towards Frank again. Frank knows that toy radio, the Sky Toys, toy store donated a bunch of children's radios to the orphanage one year and gave them to all the children the people who ran the orphanage very carefully wrote each child's name on the side of the radio. This is in fact the one that was given to you.



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"Dammit, bugs - shoo!" he fogs them a few more times to keep them off him. nabs his radio (Mine!) and looks for keys, a gun, anything else that might be useful - freshener and a lighter...(why do so many cops and firemen smoke, anyway)


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The fog does knock them back some more he has time to check the desk, there is in fact a flashlight that looks like you could hook it into the inside of a front pocket or onto a belt in the drawer along with a note, "The Keys to the Emergency Tunnels Are in the Safe, Be careful not to let just anyone get them they go under the town hall, the police station and the hospital." the medal is also behind the desk while Frank is there.



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oo. first rule of rpg - if it isn't nailed down, i'm meant to take it.

"Yay, i know where there are keys. boo, i don't know the fracking combination." quick look around for that and then he'll herd the bugs back into the room with the spray, spray spray spray, and once he has them all in close the door again.



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Frank is now free to loot the room. He Medallion comes out of the frame easily,

*Obtained Medallion of Steadfast

There is still the picture on the wall is still crooked and you can see metal in the wall behind it like some kind of metal plate.

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