The Good House
Luckily the bridge is down and the group can make their way to the Silent Hill police station, fog is collected around it and the door is closed, the brick is old and gray and no one seems to be parted in the parking lot.the building is so familiar to Vivi but now it's dark and alien the familiar features on...
If your soul has no Sunday, it becomes an orphan.
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To Get to the Shepard's Orphanage you need to travel down Midway Ave. The Street isn't that far from the Restaurant, however Sawyer Notices the Strange fog as he leave the town. The Tombstones from the Cemetery of the Lutheran Church on Acadia Rd. seem to be floating on a sea of white the church's cross...
Lost Souls
On the way out of town towards the Orphanage the group comes across the Cedar Grove Sanitarium, they hear the front gate closing and see a figure making their way up towards the old building that houses those who are called mad.
Road of Smoke, Sky of Mirrors
Nathan Ave is long and the fog makes the trip feel like it's walking through a void, like the world has vanished and nothing exists anymore, as the two walk down the road only a sign here and there or a large land mark reminds them they are in Silent Hill. After they pass the Historical Society they hear a w...
Demon Dogs of America
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Cindi Moody wife of Sheriff Shane Moody, likes arts and crafts, she makes gift basics for the town welcoming committee decorations for town events, Vivi is easily able to find superglue. Vivi also *Obtains ball of string *Obtains Scissors Ellroy St travels North to South in Old Silent Hill. On o...
Apples and Lime
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As Morris and Frank reach the house on Ellroy street after running from more of the strange monsters and managing to make their way here, they hear a women scream from inside the two story home. -- Edited by Alter on Thursday 9th of July 2009 01:48:18 PM
Three thing that cannot say Hidden Long
**Continued from Thread ** The little girl will get up she was drawing something, she will drop it and run off away from the two men and into the thick fog. Her blonde hair only serves as a becon for a certain period of time. The town seems so very empty.
The Girl I use to Know.
She is wearing all white, and she walks out of the fog she walks towards Toby, the girl he use to be so close to, the girl he use to spend so much time with. The girl who has been haunting his dreams. "Toby? Is that you Toby?" She asks him as if she doesn't believe it completely.
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Frank hears a sound on the road behind him, a scraping and the sound of foot steps, a figure moving stumbling a little through the fog and the snow moving slowly towards Frank. It's eerie despite everything else the only sound Frank can hear is the scraping and the foot steps.
On the Road (Tobias Brook)
State Hwy 61, a long winding stretch of gray asphalt through the dim trees of the coniferous forests that surrounded Toluca Lake. A single pair of headlights glared through the thick fog as a car rushed over the asphalt, disturbing small pebbles in its wake. From the inside of the car, it was hard to see...
Tobias Brook